A Day Off

A Day Off

  Yesterday I turned 62. Ended up taking the day off from writing, though that wasn't intentional. Hubby and I had breakfast at a cute little place in Graeagle, then took a drive around Lakes Basin. Instead of fall leaves, we found naked trees (of the deciduous...

Time to Rock and Roll!

Time to Rock and Roll!

We've been reading Mark Twain Himself by Milton Meltzer, an enjoyable and enlightening read. I didn't know that Clemens held out for royalties (5%) instead of selling all rights to Innocents Abroad! Smart man, though he had his ups and downs. As his daughter Susy put...

Happy Summer!

Happy Summer!

Abby Crumb is almost here and summer is at hand! Stay tuned for more news. Meanwhile, here are a few images from our Father's Day adventure!  



This weekend's spring weather. Another anomaly? It isn't that unusual for the mountains to get snow in April (though we are generally below snow level at 5,000'). What is unusual is the combination of rain, snow, and wind coming on top of soil that was already...

Spring cleaning!

Spring cleaning!

Since technology keeps rolling forward while I feel like I'm sliding backward, I've enlisted some help (thanks Brandon!) to get my website/social media sites, etc. upgraded. This post is basically a test. Hopefully, it will show up in the places it's supposed to!

Full Moon Rising

Full Moon Rising

It seems as though the past seven or eight months has passed in a blur. I've been writing and submitting, had some acceptances, finally finished and indie published It Ain't No Bull (an ongoing project for wayyy too long) all while dealing with the passing of my...