

This weekend’s spring weather. Another anomaly? It isn’t that unusual for the mountains to get snow in April (though we are generally below snow level at 5,000′). What is unusual is the combination of rain, snow, and wind coming on top of soil that...
Full Moon Rising

Full Moon Rising

It seems as though the past seven or eight months has passed in a blur. I’ve been writing and submitting, had some acceptances, finally finished and indie published It Ain’t No Bull (an ongoing project for wayyy too long) all while dealing with the passing...
Tending the Garden

Tending the Garden

 I always dread being gone for too long when the greenhouse is going full bore. I never know what I’ll come back to. It only takes a few days before the growth reaches the point where maintenance requires more hours than I can give. This time I was gone for five...
Balancing Act

Balancing Act

This is Fred. Charlie’s cousin. Charlie appeared in last week’s post, but was too busy to pose this week, so Fred stepped in. Working in the greenhouse this past weekend gave me time to reflect on writing (surprise, surprise :). Growing a garden, whether...
No Coincidences

No Coincidences

No such thing as coincidence. Recent experience put the lie to that statement (an experience that has nothing to do with the critter to the left :). Mechanicals and I tend to live in awe of each other. I look at something mechanical and think, “Awesome!”...